Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Losing Lacy

I can't believe this is the last week I get Lacy. I am so bummed that not only one of my best friends and my kids nanny is leaving! I am going to miss her friendship, and her help! I only pray the best for her life, and her future! What am I going to do without her?!!!! I love you Lacy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Disney Day One

Disyney - crazy, yet fun at the same time. Day one is complete and everyone survived. We didn't lose any kids, we didn't gain any new kids and everyone came home happy.....well almost. More to come...

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Not as hard as we thought, but not as easy as we hoped...........

Tomorrow makes a week that dad took his first chemo. We thought "hey, this isn't so bad", he's had some great days. Then last night hit him hard. When I called to check on him today after church, I didn't even recognize his voice. He sounded so weak, and I couldn't even hear him. He had been sick all night, and all day. I spoke w/him right before he went to bed tonight, and he sounded a tad bit better, but not much. I guess if this is the worst of it, then it's still not as bad as we thought. Please pray for his strenght, and his drive to get better. I don't want to ever feel as if he gave up. Thanks!