Monday, June 23, 2008

coming home

This is so bittersweet. We come home today. I've met some amazing people from Ms that came with us, and I hate to part from them. They are so great, and feel like a part of my family now. It's also sad because Nick don't want to come home. He feels such a connection with the kids here that he was so put out yesterday everytime he thought of coming home. Oh well, who knows, maybe God is working on him for his calling? All I can do is trust that if God wants him here, he'll make Jope and I alright with it when the time comes (50-60 years from now LOL)! Anyway, I cant wait to come home. I love u babe, and miss my kids!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

so tired

I'm so tired. I find it that on the end of a trip like this, you tend to lose focus. You wake up, hit the ground running, and don't stop until you pass out at night. That's when the enemy sneaks in. Let's not forget to stay in the word, and on our knees during our most tired times, because that's when we are going to need the armor of God the most! Will blog more later, but for now, a little light reading in my fav book, and then some much needed siesta! I love you!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

the innocence of youth, and the boldness of God

Yeah!!!!!!!! !God is so faithful, even in the little things! I didn't have a camera to bring down here, so I've had to use my phone as a camera. I've so bad wanted to share pics with you, but had no way of transferring them to the laptop. I went to pull out the laptop charger when wrapped up in the cord was the usb cord for my phone, thank you Jesus! So tonight since it's so late, I share with you Nick. He is so focused on the children of this country, it's amazing! He has no problem wrapping his arms around the children and sharing God with them, even if it's through a "paleta" (sucker) which he says very well! BTW, the child on the right is only 20 days younger than Nick, funny huh?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Babies everywhere!

Everywhere I go, I get babies! Had the same great day as yesterday, I can't even tell you how many commitments were made today, but the one that stuck out the most was the 14 year old that gave birth 6 weeks ago to a baby 1 month early. There was definitely something wrong with the baby, b/c as I held him, he kept twitching. My heart went out for that family! I asked the abuela (grandmother) what the little boys name was, and she said that they don't name him until his first birthday. I've heard of that in Africa b/c the mortality rate being what it is, but hadn't heard of it around here. I can't imagine the last year of my life, having Michael & not giving him a name. Pray for that family, they are on the right track, abuela & mom both got saved, but I have a feeling they are in for a long road with the baby. I just wanted to take him home with me!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

what a day!

OK, got a whole day under my belt, and what a day it was! We left at 9 am, went house to house, telling the locals about our night we had planned for them with eating contests, music, dramas, money give a ways, etc. As we told them that, we also witnessed to them. Throughout the day, we in our group had 3 commitments to Christ. Our service/contest started @ 6:30, and we were an hour plus away from our hotel, so needless to say, we didn't get back until right at 10 oclock (11 oclock BR time). I'm exhausted, and we do the same thing tomorrow! I just need a good night sleep, and all will be well! I love you bubba, Emma, Jacob, Cam man, and Michael! Nick is doing awesome!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On our way....

We definintely are going to step me out of my box!!! In a few, we are leaving and splitting up into 3 groups (there are 42 of us, 6 spanish speakers) and going into 3 small villages to go house to house to talk to people about Jesus. I was always taught not to go to strangers houses, so this is well beyond my box!!!! Should be fun! I have alot of pics, but no way to download them until I get home, so you'll have to wait!! I love you Jope!!!!

I love God!

Even when you don't speak the language, the point still gets across. As we were wrapping up our first night of evangelizing, then eating contests, preaching & salvations, I went into the crowd (after Jimbo told us to in english-you tune it out until you understand it) and saw this lady holding a baby around 6-8 months old, and I could tell that she was broken. I took the baby from her, and as I was holding the baby, praying in english for this lady who only spoke spanish, I felt it. God don't care what language you speak, He only cares if it's from the heart. I am so humbled that I have the oportunity to bring Nick here, and let him witness God in action, and witness about God in action. His heart is children, and they loved him! I know I'm prejudice about my kids good looks, but lemme tell ya, the latinos love a light skin, light haired boy, especially one with such a great heart! They flocked to him (especially the young girls), what can I say, he's his father's child!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I have internet!

I got to the hotel just long enough to see that I have internet! We go evangelizing today, and tonight we have eating contests to involve the village people. Pray for our turnout, and for God's presence! I love yall!

Back on the Field

OK, so it's not Africa, but this might even be better, because I'm taking Nick. We leave in 20 minutes to go to Honduras until next Monday. So please pray that we have a safe, sick free trip. Pray also that we have internet in the hotel, b/c I'm bringing my laptop, and hope to blog while there. If not, I'll fill you in when I get back! PRAY!!!!!