Thursday, June 19, 2008

what a day!

OK, got a whole day under my belt, and what a day it was! We left at 9 am, went house to house, telling the locals about our night we had planned for them with eating contests, music, dramas, money give a ways, etc. As we told them that, we also witnessed to them. Throughout the day, we in our group had 3 commitments to Christ. Our service/contest started @ 6:30, and we were an hour plus away from our hotel, so needless to say, we didn't get back until right at 10 oclock (11 oclock BR time). I'm exhausted, and we do the same thing tomorrow! I just need a good night sleep, and all will be well! I love you bubba, Emma, Jacob, Cam man, and Michael! Nick is doing awesome!


the6doucets said...

You are awesome and we miss you and Nick.Yall have a great time and we will see you soon.
Love you,
The Doucet's

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you both. Tell Nick.
Love you all.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool Traci i am so pround of you girl friend .You have the true heart of a missionary !!!
love you girl .
Judy T:)