Tuesday, July 31, 2007

God has a sense of humor!

I'm going to Africa. When God has His hands in the middle of something, you don't ask questions. I am such a freak when it comes to preparation, packing, shopping lists, todo's, etc. God has given me 3 days to do what He gave the rest of the team I'm going with 8 months. I had a meltdown earlier today, but now I'm good. You know it's wierd-I know He's in control, but I still want to take the wheel sometimes. He's sitting back laughing at me now running around like a chicken with my head cut off, saying to Himself "when will she learn that I have it under control?". He definately has a sense of humor!

Monday, July 30, 2007

God is Great--All the time!

Just got word yesterday that I have the opportunity to go to Africa with our children's team from church. We leave Thursday, and I've heard that it's next to impossible to get a plane ticket with that short of notice, but I believe it's gonna happen! We'll know in the next few hours! PRAY!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

a life less hectic

I wish I could have lived back in the Old Testament when things were so much slower. I understand I wouldn't have any of the things I have today, but if I didn't have them in front of me, and didn't know what they were, why would I want them? Think about it, if you never saw a car before, how would you want one? I just think life would be much less hectic without the "want" to go along with it, that's all........................

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Girls vs. boys-which is easier?

Why do I feel so horrible when I won't let my daughter do something "everybody else is doing"? I remind myself of my dad when I use that FAMOUS line of "would you jump off a bridge..........".
The only problem with that is she probably would :)! I'm such a overanalytical person when it comes to the line of being a mom, and then being too overprotective. My husband says to give her some space, but I worry that it will come back to bite me later if I do. Now is when I have to give God the control (since I should have never assumed I had it in the first place!). I guess I should be glad that I have only the one girl. For now girls seem so much harder to raise, but my oldest boy is only 8. I'll get back to you on that thought in about 4 years.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

I don't know everything

Funny how you live your life thinking you know everything until you have kids and have to get them to show you how to work the computer..........................

Friday, July 06, 2007

Take time for thanks!

I went to bed last night knowing that I'd be up at 3 in the morning. You see, my 2 year old fell asleep at 6:45 with a bad ear infection, so I knew he wouldn't sleep all night long. I was up with him, then with my 4 year old, and lastly not wanting to be left out, my 4 month old started screaming around 5. You know life is funny when you go to bed without the expectation of a good night's sleep and you're OK with it, because it's a sacrifice you're willing to make for those you truly love. I wonder if that's how Jesus feels when we "keep Him up" not only for night's, but weeks, or months. He's always faithful in comforting us when we need Him, but don't forget, He's also a jealous God. Take time to tell Him "Thanks" for waking up with you in the middle of the night to comfort you.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

baby makes 5 (or is that 105?)

When I first opened the center, I had 2 children (and one on the way). We opened with 12 children. That was in 2002. I've since had 2 more, and am at a license capacity of 100. Am I crazy? No, only obedient. I was told by a very good sister(in law) that as long as I was obedient to what God has me doing, He would prosper me. Never looked at it like that, but it's true! So if you know what He has in store for you, and you are obedient, watch out! It's a rollercoaster!!!!!!