Friday, July 06, 2007

Take time for thanks!

I went to bed last night knowing that I'd be up at 3 in the morning. You see, my 2 year old fell asleep at 6:45 with a bad ear infection, so I knew he wouldn't sleep all night long. I was up with him, then with my 4 year old, and lastly not wanting to be left out, my 4 month old started screaming around 5. You know life is funny when you go to bed without the expectation of a good night's sleep and you're OK with it, because it's a sacrifice you're willing to make for those you truly love. I wonder if that's how Jesus feels when we "keep Him up" not only for night's, but weeks, or months. He's always faithful in comforting us when we need Him, but don't forget, He's also a jealous God. Take time to tell Him "Thanks" for waking up with you in the middle of the night to comfort you.

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