Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Catching slack..............................

O.K., I'm catching slack from "certain people" (Deuce) about my swooning over my husband. So my apologies to those that are not quite as outspoken about their marriages as I am about mine :), but I do not apologize for loving my husband, my kids and life as much as I do! I will try to "refrain" my blogs from so much swooning (maybe only once a week-hey, that's asking alot!). By the way, this doesn't count, b/c I didn't say HOW MUCH I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Never let me get in the way of your swooning!!!! it is I who needs to learn to swoon more! you are great!

Anonymous said...

eric based off all the offspring running around.....i believe you are swooning quite a bit...can we say Stermers of LP?

Anonymous said...

Hey Traci ,

Miss you girl ,
You are a blessing .
We need to get together.
love you girl .

Judy Turner

Amanda said...

Girl, don't let anybody give you grief! It is good to hear about people so in love. Maybe that is what is wrong in the marriage world. Most of what we hear is negative. Love it up girl!