Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Electric Fence

OK, an explanation for the electric fence comment on the last post. After I took the nose dive, I decided to not slide anymore (wise decision). Cameron (my 2 year old) wanted to feed the horses the corn cobs we had left over from lunch (which was awesome!). I just commented on the fence right in front of my face when my friend's mom told me she wasn't sure if it was working (it was an electric fence to keep the horses in). So Cameron wanted to go inside to the horse that was put up. While holding on to the gate (thank God not holding on to Cameron) I literally walked right into the electric fence. Let me tell you that was not fun (although my husband and friend's dad both laughed their bottom's off!). Needless to say yesterday was one of those days where I wish I could've just went back to bed and started over!


Anonymous said...

it was quite funny you had to see it....to bad she grabbed me when she got shocked and we both go it

- innocent bystander victim

HerstoryGirl said...

Oh, NO, Traci!!!

ROFLMBO... I'm sorry, but I can just SEE myself doing this very same thing!
You are having such a rough week; I pray next week will be SO much better for you!