Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How awesome is my life?

Some people see me get out of my truck with all my kids, and they think "poor woman, probably has no time on her hands for herself", but that could be farther from the truth! My children are a part of me, therefore, I have nothing but time for me. I also have some pretty good kids, (not perfect, but really good), and that allows me to be by myself here and there. I can't imagine people who choose not to have kids......what a boring life! For those of you out there who feel sorry for me, don't! I have an awesome very full life! I love you Emma, Nick, Jacob, Cameron, and Michael! Forgot one.................I love you Jope! (he is the biggest of my kids!)


Anonymous said...

Hey guys check out this should post it on your site Traci...every kid should watch it...the plight of teenage affluenza

MorningSong said...

Much to be thankful for!! I feel the same way - but I only have 2!!

Anonymous said...

yea! what you said

JESUS FREAK :) said...

love you 2 mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!