Monday, June 23, 2008

coming home

This is so bittersweet. We come home today. I've met some amazing people from Ms that came with us, and I hate to part from them. They are so great, and feel like a part of my family now. It's also sad because Nick don't want to come home. He feels such a connection with the kids here that he was so put out yesterday everytime he thought of coming home. Oh well, who knows, maybe God is working on him for his calling? All I can do is trust that if God wants him here, he'll make Jope and I alright with it when the time comes (50-60 years from now LOL)! Anyway, I cant wait to come home. I love u babe, and miss my kids!


MDRMommaRed said...

I know bittersweet is the best word to describe leaving, but your peeps here back in the states miss ya sista!!!

The Maggio Family said...

I know how hard it is to leave your kids for a while, but what an honor to go & be a part of it, right?! Well, welcome home! Thanks for posting so much about your trip.