Saturday, August 04, 2007

it's all in how you say it!

We just sat down at a small "pasta" joint in Maputo. We were cutting up. I was trying not to laugh at how many times Becky would ask "it says beef, is it really cow?". All of a sudden I heard Jay ask for a hamburger. You will have to go to Becky's blog( to get the full story, but I needed that laugh!!!!!!!!! I'm excited. We have church tomorrow, and Ms. Sherry said I can go out with the kids when praise and worship is over. That's what I've been waiting for!!!! I can't wait to love on me some babies!!! I miss mine terribly, but it's ABSOLUTELY worth it!! I will never second guess my decision (although it wasn't mine!). I miss and love all of ya'll!!!!


MDRMommaRed said...

It sounds like you are having an amazing time! So excited for you.

Anonymous said...

JUST CONQUERED WAL_MART with 2 Kids, 2 buggies, & 2 Bottles of advil..Back to school moms were crazy....Nothing like last minute frantic crazy women to give you a boost for the day...I spent half my time dodging buggies than getting the supplies I need...

Crazy At Walmart, JOPE

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Traci and enjoying the blogs. I am so happy for you and proud of you. Have fun loving on the kids.
Melanie D.

Anonymous said...


MDRMommaRed said...

Just wanted to tell you that your litle boys are great. I enjoyed spoiling Michael while you weren't there to yell at me! He is so sweet. Smiling behind his noony as he drifted off to dream world (yes i rocked him!!) I missed you at chuch today. Can't wait till you get home!!! Praying for you and the team.