Wednesday, October 24, 2007


OK, so those of you who know me only a little (just enough to know I have a husband, 5 kids, daycare, church nursery on weekends, and a sick dad) think I'm "supermom". No kidding, ya'll really call me that, and I'm NOT! I need some advice. Please comment below and tell me how to balance that husband, 5 kids (who all have something extracurricular-especially the oldest) the daycare (which has a great group of girls and a wonderful asst director, but still needs me there everyday, church nursery, and sick dad. I am now feeling guilty about not seeing my dad more often. Did I also mention that I'm on a co-ed softball team, or my house stays a wreck, or my laundry piles up? I guess I need help learning to pioritize, got any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Don't change a thing, except see your dad more. Other than that...Dont't change a thing

HerstoryGirl said...

I agree.
Your priorities ARE right or your house wouldn't be a mess and your laundry would be all folded and put away.
At least, that's what I keep telling myself since I am looking at (at least) 4 baskets of clothes waiting to be folded...

Go read what I wrote a few days ago (Amazing Grace post).
If we could do it all on our own, we wouldn't need God's grace to see us through.
Put the laundry on hold and spend more time with what matters. =)