Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Not now" is not "no"

You know, God is faithful even in the little things! He sends people into our lives that will tell you how it is, and love you while doing it. My best friend didn't want to tell me God woke her up to tell me that it's not time for me to go to Africa right now. Thank God that she came to me, b/c she didn't want to. Thank God that I listened, b/c I didn't want to. Thank God for Joel A'bell (idk if I spelled his name right?) for speaking on "Not now" is not "no" this Sunday @ church to confirm what God was saying to me. Come to find out that the reason I shouldn't go to Africa (besides the obvious-my young kids & Jope) is that I have to have a hysterectomy! So, I won't be going now, but who knows, a few years from now, not only might I be going, but Nick also (he's been begging me to go!). Pray for me, I will let you know when I schedule it!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Back to Africa!

Just to let you in on my world, I'm headed back to Africa. We leave on July 20, and I'm sooooo excited to be going back! I'll let you know more when I find out more!

Back to Africa!

HPC Zip code wronged in last post

The zip for HPC is 70809! Thanks for the heads up, Old school!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Robyn's going to Mexico!!!

Thank you God for Robyn and Cara. They have been such a HUGE part of mine, Emma's, and really my whole family's life! Not to mention that Jim and Jope get along is a huge help also! I ask that God protects, provides, and prepares Robyn and Cara for this amazing adventure that they are about to embark on. In the spirit of our friendships, I would like to sell my famous salsa as a fundraiser. If you know what my salsa tastes like, and would like to order some, email me at tpathpc@yahoo.com. I will be selling them in jars, depending on the size of the jar for somewhere between $5-$10. Those of you that have tasted it know that it is WELL WORTH IT'S WEIGHT IN GOLD! (That's what I've been told, not that I'm bragging!) Anyway, get with me if you're interested!

P.S. If you would rather donate to the cause, you can mail any and all donations to HPC, 19202 Highland Road, Baton Rouge, La 70817 and put in the memo on the check that it is for Robyn and Cara's Mexico trip.

Life sucks!

I can't imagine how someone who doesn't know Jesus deals with the blows life gives you! I've come to the realization that life sucks, and the only time I feel it get any better is when I stay in the word, and on my knees. The times in my life (and they are more than I'd like to admit) that I've gotten lazy with my personal reading and prayer time, that's the time that it seems either satan hits harder, or I'm not prepared to fight like I should be. This is a mean ugly world, and without my Jesus (and a few good friends), I would be up a creek! Thanks to all who love me!

No more babies..........

I now officially am a mother of 5 children, and no babies. Michael (who still isn't walking) received his first "big boy haircut". He's too cute, and just that quick, he went from baby to big boy! It's now hitting me that from now on, I will have no more babies...........kinda surreal! I will post a before and after shot, and hopefully, you will be able to tell which is which! BTW, the after shot has his cousin Leo who also got his first big boy cut! No more babies!

Thursday, April 03, 2008


I know I haven't blogged in a while, so let me give you the concentrated version of the last few weeks. Dad's tumor is still there. They've done all the first line treatments they can, save radiation, so now they are going to wait and watch it to see if it's gonna stay dormant. If it starts to grow, then they will talk about second line treatments from MD Anderson's (which I am not happy about, I don't like that place AT ALL!). We go get his chest X Rayed next week.

On another note, Michael, STILL NOT WALKING! Taking a step or two, but not any more than 3 at a time. The boy has this all figured out, why walk when everyone will carry me?

As for the rest of the family, all is good! I'm fighting a nasty kidney ifection with stones, so pray for me! It's definately more pain than childbirth, the stories you've heard are true!

Love to all, and again, sorry I haven't blogged in a while!