Thursday, April 03, 2008


I know I haven't blogged in a while, so let me give you the concentrated version of the last few weeks. Dad's tumor is still there. They've done all the first line treatments they can, save radiation, so now they are going to wait and watch it to see if it's gonna stay dormant. If it starts to grow, then they will talk about second line treatments from MD Anderson's (which I am not happy about, I don't like that place AT ALL!). We go get his chest X Rayed next week.

On another note, Michael, STILL NOT WALKING! Taking a step or two, but not any more than 3 at a time. The boy has this all figured out, why walk when everyone will carry me?

As for the rest of the family, all is good! I'm fighting a nasty kidney ifection with stones, so pray for me! It's definately more pain than childbirth, the stories you've heard are true!

Love to all, and again, sorry I haven't blogged in a while!

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