Sunday, August 05, 2007

No words..........

I cannot even try to tell you the emotion I felt when we drove up to the church today to a crowd of children waiting on us. I don't really remember seeing parents, just children. We got serenaded "Yes Jesus Loves Me" as we unloaded the car with the bread, jam and hot tea we were to serve them before church. As we were preparing the bread (cutting, buttering, and spreading the jam), I got a chance to observe. Now remember how I said no parents? There were probably 1 grown up to every 4 children. And most of the children came without parents. With that said, I expected pandimonium. I expected to see what I see upstairs in children's church before service starts, children goofing off, children running around, etc. No, they sat either on a seat, or on a mat infront of the seats (not enough chairs) waiting VERY PATIENTLY for their bread. I looked out into the crowd, and no words can even begin to descibe how beautiful these children were. They weren't concerned at all about who wore what, but they were genuinly excited to be at church. Not to see their boyfriend, friend, or whoever, but to learn about God. Josie did an amazing job teaching Children's church. She taught on the Lion's story. It was great. Carol translated, and the children all sat on the ground, mezmerized. Then we taught them the first part of "Jesus Loves Me", and they taught us a dance. (now if you know me, that in itself is an entertaining sight!). Anyway, we had fun! I can't wait for VBS to start tomorrow, pray that Ms. Sherry's bag gets to us, it contains some material we need for this week. I love you guys and miss you!


Anonymous said...

I miss you too! I'm glad you are having such a great time. I love you, Lou

Anonymous said...

Emma just crossed the border