Wednesday, August 22, 2007


While I was getting ready for my trip, I felt like God wanted me to work through some things in my life when I got there. So when I would have my quiet time, I would pray through for those things. Only when I got there, I noticed alot of growth in areas I didn't feel like I needed "work" on.
I was raised with a daddy that used that famous line "if it isn't broke, don't fix it", well I ignored what "wasn't broke"(so I thought) in my life. WOW, there was alot I thought I fixed years ago that I didn't. My challenge to you is to reflect. Dig up your past and make sure everything is "fixed" with God, family, whoever. Don't ever think you are fixed!
Love to all!

1 comment:

MorningSong said...

Hey Traci! Have you read the book Shadowboxing by Henry Malone?? It is a great book! It really makes you think about those little things that are still lurking from your past! I really felt I learned alot when I read it!

Blessings and I am praying for you to overcome any and every trial that satan would send your way!

Blessings Blessings!!