Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Dino spoke on letting your sorrow be your seed Sunday. I think that was an awesome message. I have always said that the abuse I suffered as a child, the abandonment I experienced made me who I am, and I would not be the person I am if I had not gone through it. I had a mother who left me when I was 3, and then a step mother who physically abused me until she and my dad divorced when I was 8. I don't wish the life I led on anyone, but in return, if I had a chance, or choice to live my life over again, and change something, I wouldn't. Not even the here and now. I think the life we live makes us the children, parents, friends, neighbors, nursery workers, etc.........that we are today. Would you change who you are? If the answer is yes, don't wish to go back, but instead, look forward. You can change it now! Get on your face & get in the word. That's all it takes!
Love ya!

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