Thursday, November 08, 2007

New do

Thanks to Robyn, I am now beautiful again (well, as beautiful as I can get). Since my girl that reguraly does my hair tore her rotator cuff (OUCH!), I've been sporting about 3 inches of grown out highlites sprinkled with alot of gray! So I decided (with the help of Robyn) to go back to my original color. It's not too bad, guess God did know what He was doing when he created me a brunette! Thanks Robyn!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I like it...I could have gave you the number of my stylist. does great work. low maintenance is what I call it. HAVE FUN ON YOUR TRIP.

HerstoryGirl said...

LOL @ Eric!

You ARE beautiful no matter what your hair color! Your beauty radiates from the inside out. =)
Hope you and Jope had fun on your trip!