Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thank you Jesus that you spared our lives, our house, and our business from the hands of Gustav! Please help those not so fortunate, and please help us to remember the blessings You gave us!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Busy summer.....
Sorry about not blogging so much, my summer has been JAM PACKED! I'm sure you can understand that with 5 kids, I didn't have much time to breathe, let alone blog! More to come later!
Friday, July 04, 2008
What Nick said when asked about his trip to Honduras
"I learned that if you want something, you can't sit back and wait for it to be handed to you, go get it, and when you do get it, don't hold onto it, give it away."
Wow, how do I even try and follow that with anything but WOW!
Wow, how do I even try and follow that with anything but WOW!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
All is Well
God is so faithful, even in the smallest things, my husband, my rock, my soulmate, my partner, my best friend sent me this just a second ago, it is awesome! Thank you babe, I needed that!
All Is Well
Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped into the next room.
I am I and you are you
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by my old familiar name,
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used
Put no difference in your tone,
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household world that it always was,
Let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It it the same as it ever was, there is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near,
Just around the corner.
All is well.
We will spend more time in eternity than we do in this flash of an instance of our so called life.
All Is Well
Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped into the next room.
I am I and you are you
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by my old familiar name,
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used
Put no difference in your tone,
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household world that it always was,
Let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It it the same as it ever was, there is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near,
Just around the corner.
All is well.
We will spend more time in eternity than we do in this flash of an instance of our so called life.
You know what sucks? The end. The end of movies, the end of relationships, the end of a favorite piece of candy, the end of a loved ones life. My dad got his results back from his last scan. The news was not good. I'm slowly losing my daddy. I hate this for me, mom, my siblings, but most of all, my kids. Emma broke down for the first time since he was diagnosed on the way home last night. I can't fix this hurt because I have it too. I wish I could. I hate that I'm now talking funeral arrangements with my dad instead of vacation plans. I hate that Michael won't know him, learn from him, love him like I do. I need your prayers, I know this won't go away, so now I ask that you pray for it to become easier to handle. Right now, not so much. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
Monday, June 23, 2008
coming home
This is so bittersweet. We come home today. I've met some amazing people from Ms that came with us, and I hate to part from them. They are so great, and feel like a part of my family now. It's also sad because Nick don't want to come home. He feels such a connection with the kids here that he was so put out yesterday everytime he thought of coming home. Oh well, who knows, maybe God is working on him for his calling? All I can do is trust that if God wants him here, he'll make Jope and I alright with it when the time comes (50-60 years from now LOL)! Anyway, I cant wait to come home. I love u babe, and miss my kids!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
so tired
I'm so tired. I find it that on the end of a trip like this, you tend to lose focus. You wake up, hit the ground running, and don't stop until you pass out at night. That's when the enemy sneaks in. Let's not forget to stay in the word, and on our knees during our most tired times, because that's when we are going to need the armor of God the most! Will blog more later, but for now, a little light reading in my fav book, and then some much needed siesta! I love you!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
the innocence of youth, and the boldness of God

Yeah!!!!!!!! !God is so faithful, even in the little things! I didn't have a camera to bring down here, so I've had to use my phone as a camera. I've so bad wanted to share pics with you, but had no way of transferring them to the laptop. I went to pull out the laptop charger when wrapped up in the cord was the usb cord for my phone, thank you Jesus! So tonight since it's so late, I share with you Nick. He is so focused on the children of this country, it's amazing! He has no problem wrapping his arms around the children and sharing God with them, even if it's through a "paleta" (sucker) which he says very well! BTW, the child on the right is only 20 days younger than Nick, funny huh?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Babies everywhere!
Everywhere I go, I get babies! Had the same great day as yesterday, I can't even tell you how many commitments were made today, but the one that stuck out the most was the 14 year old that gave birth 6 weeks ago to a baby 1 month early. There was definitely something wrong with the baby, b/c as I held him, he kept twitching. My heart went out for that family! I asked the abuela (grandmother) what the little boys name was, and she said that they don't name him until his first birthday. I've heard of that in Africa b/c the mortality rate being what it is, but hadn't heard of it around here. I can't imagine the last year of my life, having Michael & not giving him a name. Pray for that family, they are on the right track, abuela & mom both got saved, but I have a feeling they are in for a long road with the baby. I just wanted to take him home with me!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
what a day!
OK, got a whole day under my belt, and what a day it was! We left at 9 am, went house to house, telling the locals about our night we had planned for them with eating contests, music, dramas, money give a ways, etc. As we told them that, we also witnessed to them. Throughout the day, we in our group had 3 commitments to Christ. Our service/contest started @ 6:30, and we were an hour plus away from our hotel, so needless to say, we didn't get back until right at 10 oclock (11 oclock BR time). I'm exhausted, and we do the same thing tomorrow! I just need a good night sleep, and all will be well! I love you bubba, Emma, Jacob, Cam man, and Michael! Nick is doing awesome!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
On our way....
We definintely are going to step me out of my box!!! In a few, we are leaving and splitting up into 3 groups (there are 42 of us, 6 spanish speakers) and going into 3 small villages to go house to house to talk to people about Jesus. I was always taught not to go to strangers houses, so this is well beyond my box!!!! Should be fun! I have alot of pics, but no way to download them until I get home, so you'll have to wait!! I love you Jope!!!!
I love God!
Even when you don't speak the language, the point still gets across. As we were wrapping up our first night of evangelizing, then eating contests, preaching & salvations, I went into the crowd (after Jimbo told us to in english-you tune it out until you understand it) and saw this lady holding a baby around 6-8 months old, and I could tell that she was broken. I took the baby from her, and as I was holding the baby, praying in english for this lady who only spoke spanish, I felt it. God don't care what language you speak, He only cares if it's from the heart. I am so humbled that I have the oportunity to bring Nick here, and let him witness God in action, and witness about God in action. His heart is children, and they loved him! I know I'm prejudice about my kids good looks, but lemme tell ya, the latinos love a light skin, light haired boy, especially one with such a great heart! They flocked to him (especially the young girls), what can I say, he's his father's child!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I have internet!
I got to the hotel just long enough to see that I have internet! We go evangelizing today, and tonight we have eating contests to involve the village people. Pray for our turnout, and for God's presence! I love yall!
Back on the Field
OK, so it's not Africa, but this might even be better, because I'm taking Nick. We leave in 20 minutes to go to Honduras until next Monday. So please pray that we have a safe, sick free trip. Pray also that we have internet in the hotel, b/c I'm bringing my laptop, and hope to blog while there. If not, I'll fill you in when I get back! PRAY!!!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
OK, so having a hysterectomy is NOT the same as having a baby! I figured how easily I bounced back after my 5 kids, I wouldn't have a problem bouncing back after a simple hyserectomy! That's funny! I feel good, then get up and do too much. I called the nurse to tell her that I popped a stitch, and her reply for me was "you know that the only reason you are to get out of bed for the next week is to go to the restroom right?", my response was "maybe", so I am now bedridden. I hate the bed! I want to get back to life! Any advice?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
"Not now" is not "no"
You know, God is faithful even in the little things! He sends people into our lives that will tell you how it is, and love you while doing it. My best friend didn't want to tell me God woke her up to tell me that it's not time for me to go to Africa right now. Thank God that she came to me, b/c she didn't want to. Thank God that I listened, b/c I didn't want to. Thank God for Joel A'bell (idk if I spelled his name right?) for speaking on "Not now" is not "no" this Sunday @ church to confirm what God was saying to me. Come to find out that the reason I shouldn't go to Africa (besides the obvious-my young kids & Jope) is that I have to have a hysterectomy! So, I won't be going now, but who knows, a few years from now, not only might I be going, but Nick also (he's been begging me to go!). Pray for me, I will let you know when I schedule it!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Back to Africa!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Robyn's going to Mexico!!!
Thank you God for Robyn and Cara. They have been such a HUGE part of mine, Emma's, and really my whole family's life! Not to mention that Jim and Jope get along is a huge help also! I ask that God protects, provides, and prepares Robyn and Cara for this amazing adventure that they are about to embark on. In the spirit of our friendships, I would like to sell my famous salsa as a fundraiser. If you know what my salsa tastes like, and would like to order some, email me at I will be selling them in jars, depending on the size of the jar for somewhere between $5-$10. Those of you that have tasted it know that it is WELL WORTH IT'S WEIGHT IN GOLD! (That's what I've been told, not that I'm bragging!) Anyway, get with me if you're interested!
P.S. If you would rather donate to the cause, you can mail any and all donations to HPC, 19202 Highland Road, Baton Rouge, La 70817 and put in the memo on the check that it is for Robyn and Cara's Mexico trip.
P.S. If you would rather donate to the cause, you can mail any and all donations to HPC, 19202 Highland Road, Baton Rouge, La 70817 and put in the memo on the check that it is for Robyn and Cara's Mexico trip.
Life sucks!
I can't imagine how someone who doesn't know Jesus deals with the blows life gives you! I've come to the realization that life sucks, and the only time I feel it get any better is when I stay in the word, and on my knees. The times in my life (and they are more than I'd like to admit) that I've gotten lazy with my personal reading and prayer time, that's the time that it seems either satan hits harder, or I'm not prepared to fight like I should be. This is a mean ugly world, and without my Jesus (and a few good friends), I would be up a creek! Thanks to all who love me!
No more babies..........

I now officially am a mother of 5 children, and no babies. Michael (who still isn't walking) received his first "big boy haircut". He's too cute, and just that quick, he went from baby to big boy! It's now hitting me that from now on, I will have no more babies...........kinda surreal! I will post a before and after shot, and hopefully, you will be able to tell which is which! BTW, the after shot has his cousin Leo who also got his first big boy cut! No more babies!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
I know I haven't blogged in a while, so let me give you the concentrated version of the last few weeks. Dad's tumor is still there. They've done all the first line treatments they can, save radiation, so now they are going to wait and watch it to see if it's gonna stay dormant. If it starts to grow, then they will talk about second line treatments from MD Anderson's (which I am not happy about, I don't like that place AT ALL!). We go get his chest X Rayed next week.
On another note, Michael, STILL NOT WALKING! Taking a step or two, but not any more than 3 at a time. The boy has this all figured out, why walk when everyone will carry me?
As for the rest of the family, all is good! I'm fighting a nasty kidney ifection with stones, so pray for me! It's definately more pain than childbirth, the stories you've heard are true!
Love to all, and again, sorry I haven't blogged in a while!
On another note, Michael, STILL NOT WALKING! Taking a step or two, but not any more than 3 at a time. The boy has this all figured out, why walk when everyone will carry me?
As for the rest of the family, all is good! I'm fighting a nasty kidney ifection with stones, so pray for me! It's definately more pain than childbirth, the stories you've heard are true!
Love to all, and again, sorry I haven't blogged in a while!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
My birthday boy..............
Getting Amped

Decided to go to Amplified Friday night. Can I tell you that the heart of the young is sooooo sensitive to the Spirit! I am always amazed at how unreserved they are around each other when Jesus is involved! I am so proud of our Jr highers, and highschoolers! I am also honored to have Pastor T, Crystal and soon enough Tweez as the major influences in my children's lives! God is so faithful in fulfilling an overworried mom's prayers in reference to keeping her kids plugged in to the "right" crowd!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I can't believe that he's finally here! I have adopted myself out as honorary Godmother to this wonderful baby! I can't wait to meet him! Go to Deuce's blog to see pics of the "prince deuce"! Thank God for a healthy delivery, baby, and mama!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A sad, sad day
Just in case you haven't heard, at 9:40 last night, Pastor Amy Stockstill went to be with Jesus. Please continue your prayers, but not for a healing in Pastor Amy, but a healing in the hearts of Pastor Joel, the Stockstill's, and Pastor Amy's family. I can't imagine what they are going thru. I ask God to give them strength and peace for the days ahead.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Spread the word
Church Wednesday night is not at Highland. There will also NOT be any Refuge or Pathfinders. We will be joining Bethany South off Industriplex for a Worship/Prayer service. If I'm not mistaken, and someone please comment if I'm wrong & correct me, but I think it starts @ 6. Child care will be provided.
almost there...............
Michael took 2 steps today!!!!!! I think he's going to walk before his birthday!!!!!!
I love my Jope
In the spirit of valentines day, I just wanted to give a shout out to my husband! I couldn't ask for a better mate, father of my children, companion & best friend! He makes getting out of bed each day very easy (not to mention, going to bed each night :) ) I love you babe!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Did you know????
Did you know that the interns of Bethany are beleiving in 1000 miracles from Jan 1, to the end of March(I hope I got the dates right)? My brother-in-law & sister-in-law (Jope's brother and his wife) are the spanish pastors for Bethany, and she was telling me that their interns (sort of like our elevate) have been praying for and beleiving in miracle healings, and to date since Jan 1st, they've witnessed over 400 healings (documented!)! I'm beleiving along with them that "Baton Rouge is a cancer free zone!"! Believe with me, how awesome would that be not only for Amy, but my dad, and everyone else we love that we know is fighting this demon?! Thank you for your prayers, and when you remember my dad, also remember Amy! I love you guys so much! Thanks for caring! You've carried me thru this with your prayers, don't stop!
Friday, February 08, 2008
Pray for Amy
In case you didn't hear, Bro Joel Stockstill's wife Amy has been terribly sick. I challenge all of you to put yourself in either his or her shoes. They are practically newlyweds, and the devil is trying to rob him of her. There is so much they are planning for the kingdom of God in the next 2 years, and the devil is scared! Please lift her, her family, Bethany, and the Stockstill's up in prayer! I know this will be a victory for God! To read more about the fight she's fighting, Joel has a blog at .
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Good news?
Well, we got the results Monday. They weren't what we were expecting, but in some weird way, part of it was better. We were sitting there in the exam room. Dr. McCanless comes in, says that the tumor is 5 X 7. He looks back and sees that it started out that size-not the news we wanted to hear, the tumor hasn't shrunk at all! But for those of us glass half full people, it hasn't grown either. Then he goes back to his chart to let us know how the tumor between the lungs on the lymph nodes has done.................He flips thru the charts again.......................The tumor between the lungs on the lymph nodes is GONE! Not what we expected, but way better! So now we go thru at least 2, maybe 3 more rounds of chemo. The good thing now is b/c the lymph nodes is cancer free, he now is a candidate for radiation if the results aren't good after the rest of the chemo. Once again, God is in control! He knows just what we need to hear, not what we want to hear! Keep praying, it's not over yet!
Friday, January 25, 2008

Always know that if you ask God for something, anything, He is going to give you reasons to need what you asked for! Years ago I started to pray for patience. I hated waiting for anything! Well, He gave me patience thru trials that tested my faith! I finally had to understand that He was in control, and all I needed to do was sit back and enjoy the ride! Well, I had to remind myself of that yesterday. Dad went to the doctor, and they rescanned him to see what the chemo has done..................I want results NOW! We have to wait till Monday to get the results, but we'll get them!
(Picture is of my sister and dad)
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
15 years and counting!!!!!!!!!
Today is my anniversary! I have been married 15 years! I love my life, my kids, my job, but most of all, I love my husband. Had an unusual day yesterday, not bad, but hectic (what's new?). Jope brought me a dozen red roses early b/c he knew what kind of day I had. He also brought me an AMAZING card. The card was nice, but what he wrote in it was great! He's such a hopeless romantic! I hope he's as happy as I am! (FYI, the beer in the picture isn't ours, we were at an awards dinner for his work!)
Monday, January 07, 2008
Got good news Friday. Dad did a complete physical @ the oncologist's office. He goes for 1 more chemo today, then in two weeks he will get re-scanned to see how the cancer is reacting to the chemo. When the oncologist listened to his lungs, he said they sounded perfect-not like someone with cancer, let alone stage 4 lung cancer. He is very optomistic about the scans dad will do in 2 weeks! I can't wait to see what explaination the doctor will have when that tumor is gone! (hopefully!!)
Gaining Lacy
Lacy came back for Heather & Nick's birthday on Thursday night! Yeah meeeeee!!!!!!!!!! You want to know what I learned the week (felt like a month!) that I didn't have her? I can do this! I can do this and enjoy my children in the process! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed having my Lacy, but I feel like this time in my life I need to focus on enjoying my kids! I would go thru the motions, because I had Lacy to be the fun one. I now have fun with my kids, and so what if the house isn't spotless, my kids are happy! My husband is happy, and I am happy! I will get to the cleaning, eventually!
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