Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Losing Lacy

I can't believe this is the last week I get Lacy. I am so bummed that not only one of my best friends and my kids nanny is leaving! I am going to miss her friendship, and her help! I only pray the best for her life, and her future! What am I going to do without her?!!!! I love you Lacy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Disney Day One

Disyney - crazy, yet fun at the same time. Day one is complete and everyone survived. We didn't lose any kids, we didn't gain any new kids and everyone came home happy.....well almost. More to come...

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Not as hard as we thought, but not as easy as we hoped...........

Tomorrow makes a week that dad took his first chemo. We thought "hey, this isn't so bad", he's had some great days. Then last night hit him hard. When I called to check on him today after church, I didn't even recognize his voice. He sounded so weak, and I couldn't even hear him. He had been sick all night, and all day. I spoke w/him right before he went to bed tonight, and he sounded a tad bit better, but not much. I guess if this is the worst of it, then it's still not as bad as we thought. Please pray for his strenght, and his drive to get better. I don't want to ever feel as if he gave up. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We had dad's first round of Chemo yesterday. It took right at 4 hours (start to finish), and I am so glad I went with him. I heard stories of his past-my past-that I had never heard. I also lost in 3 games of Gin (was winning my first game when the chemo ended-how convienent!). I can not even explain how important it is to spend time with all the people you love! That's why I can't wait to go to Disney World with Jope and the kids (along with my brother and sister), because that's gonna be memories not only for me, but for them to look back on later in life & appreciate the time they spent with us! I guess if there is only one thing I could say I've learned about dad going thru this is that you can't get back yesterday, but you can absolutely make today happy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Jope has a good job! A hard job, but a good job. They finished a project that they have been working on for an excess of 3 years, and to reward the team working on it, Blue Cross gave them a cruise to Cozumel. We left Thursday, and came back yesterday. We took Emma, Nick and Jacob with us. It was fun! It's definately something I would like to go on again, this time with all the kids! Thank you Robyn and Michelle for keeping Michael and Cam! I love you!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

New do

Thanks to Robyn, I am now beautiful again (well, as beautiful as I can get). Since my girl that reguraly does my hair tore her rotator cuff (OUCH!), I've been sporting about 3 inches of grown out highlites sprinkled with alot of gray! So I decided (with the help of Robyn) to go back to my original color. It's not too bad, guess God did know what He was doing when he created me a brunette! Thanks Robyn!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Back to swooning

For those of you who missed the "swooning" over Jope, I'll throw you a bone! This is what I woke to this morning.................Isn't he the best! I LOVE YOU JOPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dino spoke on letting your sorrow be your seed Sunday. I think that was an awesome message. I have always said that the abuse I suffered as a child, the abandonment I experienced made me who I am, and I would not be the person I am if I had not gone through it. I had a mother who left me when I was 3, and then a step mother who physically abused me until she and my dad divorced when I was 8. I don't wish the life I led on anyone, but in return, if I had a chance, or choice to live my life over again, and change something, I wouldn't. Not even the here and now. I think the life we live makes us the children, parents, friends, neighbors, nursery workers, etc.........that we are today. Would you change who you are? If the answer is yes, don't wish to go back, but instead, look forward. You can change it now! Get on your face & get in the word. That's all it takes!
Love ya!

Friday, November 02, 2007


Funny word. You have the power to speak it, you have the want to live it to the fullest, and you have the sorrow to see it go. My life revolves around family. Personal family (Jope-who has been my rock & my kids-who keep me distracted), extended family (the best group of friends I could have ever wanted) & daycare family (basically the people who keep me running all day-yet another welcomed distraction). But at the end of my thoughts throughout the day, my mind goes back to one place..........My daddy has cancer. Well, I now welcome even that thought. In this breakthrough, I have to release my daddy, and HIS problem to God, and realize that it is not my problem. I might help be part of the solution, but it's not my problem. It's not my life hanging in the balance. I'm just grateful for the word God gave me. I thought He was speaking it to my heart to tell a friend, and I'm sure He was, but it spoke volumes to me also. While we were praying tonight, He showed me a booksack on my friends back. In that booksack was burdons, HUGE books, full of problems. Some her problems, some she borrowed from others. He wanted me to tell her that at that meeting, to take off the booksack. That's what I feel like I'm doing. I'm taking off my booksack, my borrowed trouble, and putting it in a pile on the floor. I give it to Him, and get back my life.

Friday, October 26, 2007

God has a sense of humor!

Some wonderful friends of Jope & mine have 4 awesome girls. The oldest of which is friends with Emma (they are around the same age, give or take a year), then the other 3 girls are "betrothed" to my boys (only one of them are in agreeance with us, but I'm working on the others!). Well mom is pregnant, and so we are thinking she'll have another girl to go with Michael. Not the case! Michael will have a buddy, not a girlfriend, and this family is in for a huge awakening! I love my boys! Funny how you think it's gonna work out one way, then God reminds you that once again, He's in control! (you will find I use that phrase alot!)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


OK, so those of you who know me only a little (just enough to know I have a husband, 5 kids, daycare, church nursery on weekends, and a sick dad) think I'm "supermom". No kidding, ya'll really call me that, and I'm NOT! I need some advice. Please comment below and tell me how to balance that husband, 5 kids (who all have something extracurricular-especially the oldest) the daycare (which has a great group of girls and a wonderful asst director, but still needs me there everyday, church nursery, and sick dad. I am now feeling guilty about not seeing my dad more often. Did I also mention that I'm on a co-ed softball team, or my house stays a wreck, or my laundry piles up? I guess I need help learning to pioritize, got any suggestions?

Sunday, October 21, 2007


GO TIGERS!!!!!!! Way to pull it off right at the end!!!!!!!!!

It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Radiation on the brain is over! He is expected to get more tired now that it is over even though he hasn't really gotten tired through it. He's feeling great so far (except for bad migranes at night). I really don't think that radiologist knows what he's talking about. I won't give you his name because I don't like to talk bad about people, but he's got my dad figured out without even knowing him. He don't know that my dad is superman, but he's learning! Pray for good reports at MD Anderson's, we leave a week from tomorrow. I know Dad's going to be glad to have a week on normalality (even if we know it's temporary). I'll blog more later, watching game 7 of the ALCS, go Red Sox (yes I'm a huge Braves fan, but they sucked this year, and I was born in New Hampshire, so my roots tend to lie there also!)!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Almost done!!!

So dad sees the radiologist on Wednesdays. Cindy & I went with him. The Dr. was so pleased at how un-tired he is for being 8 out of 10 doses into the treatment. We finish the brain radiation Friday, and we just heard from MD Anderson's that he has appointments starting the 30th for 3-9 business days. I will be going with him for the first week, then have to get home b/c Jope, me, Emma, Nick, and Jacob leave for our cruise on the 8th. I'm so blessed to have such good friends all over the country that I can bring Jacob, Cameron, and Michael and have someone there (thanks Robin & Krisi!) to watch them while I'm gone during the day with dad! I didn't want to leave them, to help take the stress off Jope (but I know he'd love it if I did leave them!). Pray for the visit, who knows, maybe they'll start looking and find nothing! My God is that big, is yours?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Life goes on

I need to stop every once in a while and remind myself that the world doesn't stop turning even if I feel like mine has. My kids still go to school, my daycare still opens, Jope still goes to work, and the baby still has those adorable moments you just have to catch on film! Life goes on................

Monday, October 15, 2007

vision night...............

We had a gathering at church last night called "vision night" where all the campuses get together and reflect on the last 10 months and look forward to the next year. It was amazing. As always worship was great, Dino was informative, yet with a humorous twist, it was electric. As I stood there, getting my mind ready for the week ahead (dad's second week in radiation), God whispered in my ear that I was going to be O.K. with what happens. That's the trick, you have to be O.K. with what happens, because if you are obedient, and faithful to His direction, He will be faithful to comfort you, prepare you, love you no matter what He allows you to go thru. Because you're going to go thru it anyway, so why worry about what will come, and live in what you are going thru right now? If you are a God fearing person, live life, love life, let go and let God!

Friday, October 12, 2007

end of the week

TGIF! I don't know when I've been so glad to see Friday come. Today makes the 1/2 way mark for dad's radiation. So far so good, just a little tired at the end of the day! Pray for his strength! Thanks!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Day two.............

Today is a good day. Met with the oncologist, and as soon as I entered into the waiting room, I felt a peace. I like him, and so does my dad. He's a very optomistic person, and I think that's very important when you help someone fight for their life. I'm happy my dad's happy. Thanks for your prayers!!!!!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Day one, radiation

Had his first dose of radiation today, so far, so good. From what I hear, the radiation isn't the hard part, the chemo is, so we will just believe that he will overcome any and all side effects that either treatment has. Keep praying. We meet with the oncologist tomorrow. We are also waiting to hear from MD Anderson's, dad called them today and gave them all his info. I need my daddy to be O.K., so please believe with me b/c the bible says somewhere in it that when two or more are gathered together and ask in His name, He will honor that request (or something like that), so please believe with me. Thanks! I love all the support you've given me! You all are awesome!!!!!!!

Received news Friday that the cancer has spread to the brain............

I've always considered myself a person of faith. I walk in faith everyday, with everyday things. I thought I had it mastered-I hear someone's bad news, I tell them "God will fix that, or heal that, or provide for that". Well, I know now that my faith lacks. I have seen with my own eyes, heard with my own ears of the miracles that my God has provided, but still have a hard time accepting that it could happen to the only person I've had in my life everyday since they day I was born. My dad is superman, and is supposed to leap tall buildings in a single bound. He's supposed to be untouchable. I need prayers to help me believe that my daddy's gonna be o.k. Just wanna close my eyes and wake up from this nightmare...................Or just wanna close my eyes and wake up knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is healed. I'll take either, but need one..............................

Friday, October 05, 2007

Good news for Bad news

Dad did his biopsy, and then a petscan. The biopsy came back positive for cancer in the lung and lymphnodes between the lungs. I was scared it had spread by the way the doctor was talking, and so was dad. He started telling me about his life insurance policy, his bank accts, etc-just sort of giving up. Then he was the one to receive the call with the results from the petscan. The cancer was ONLY in the one lung, and the one set of lymphnodes they biopsied. PTL!!!!!!!!!! He hung up the phone (we didn't know who was on the other line) and said "I have hope now". God is so faithful! I know dad will pull out of this, and be a better person when it's over. Thanks for the prayers, and keep praying! It's working!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Scriptures to stand on......Thank you my friends with your encouraging words!!!

1-4 But now, God's Message, the God who made you in the first place, Jacob, the One who got you started, Israel:"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. I've called your name. You're mine.When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down.When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end—Because I am God, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior.I paid a huge price for you: all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!That's how much you mean to me! That's how much I love you!I'd sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you. Isaiah 43:1-4
"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Prayers needed..................

For those of you that are used to me "swooning" over Jope, I'll change it up a little. I'll still "swoon", but it'll be after my daddy. I'm such a "daddy's girl". My dad raised my sister and I after he and my biological mother divorced. He is my superman. Well last night (or should I say this morning?) around 1:30 a.m., after going to the hospital for inhaling chlorine when he tried to shock the jaquzzi, the doctors did an xray and had a previous xray to compare it to from 2005. They found a mass that had grown enough to worry them into a catscan last night. It was confirmed that he has a tumor in his left lung. He smoked for 38 years (2-3 packs a day), but has been quit for 10 or more years. Please pray. If you get a chance, I need some scriptures to stand on, I'm drawing blank here. I'm so quick to spit them out for those who need it, and now can't remember a one. Please help!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Catching slack..............................

O.K., I'm catching slack from "certain people" (Deuce) about my swooning over my husband. So my apologies to those that are not quite as outspoken about their marriages as I am about mine :), but I do not apologize for loving my husband, my kids and life as much as I do! I will try to "refrain" my blogs from so much swooning (maybe only once a week-hey, that's asking alot!). By the way, this doesn't count, b/c I didn't say HOW MUCH I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Am I wrong??????

Am I wrong to be in love with my husband more today than the day we met (16 years, 3 months ago)?

Am I wrong that my heart still skips a beat when I see my husband for the first time that day? Or when I smell his cologne when I wake up, but he's already left?

Am I wrong to have 5 kids, and love life enough to want more?

Am I wrong to be O.K. with a day full of changing diapers and wiping up spit-up?

If I am wrong, then let me be wrong...................but I'm happy being wrong!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

For all the girls...........(and guys if you wanna understand us at all!)

10. Cats' facial expressions.
9. The need for the same style of shoes in different colors.
8 Why bean sprouts aren't just weeds.
7. Fat clothes.
6 Taking a car trip without trying to beat your best time.
5. The difference between beige, ecru, cream, off-white, and eggshell.
4. Cutting your hair to make it grow.
3. Eyelash curlers.
2. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made.
AND, the Number One thing only women understand:

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How awesome is my life?

Some people see me get out of my truck with all my kids, and they think "poor woman, probably has no time on her hands for herself", but that could be farther from the truth! My children are a part of me, therefore, I have nothing but time for me. I also have some pretty good kids, (not perfect, but really good), and that allows me to be by myself here and there. I can't imagine people who choose not to have kids......what a boring life! For those of you out there who feel sorry for me, don't! I have an awesome very full life! I love you Emma, Nick, Jacob, Cameron, and Michael! Forgot one.................I love you Jope! (he is the biggest of my kids!)

Friday, September 14, 2007

I thought this was good!

The other day, someone at a store in our town read that a methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and he asked me a rhetorical question, 'Why didn't we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?'I replied: I had a drug problem when I was young:
I was drug to church on Sunday morning.
I was drug to church for weddings and funerals.
I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather.
I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, did not speak with respect, spoke ill of the teacher or the preacher, or if I didn't put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me.
I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out with soap if I uttered a profane four-letter word.
I was drug out to pull weeds in mom' s garden and flower beds and cockleburs out of dad's fields.
I was drug to the homes of family, friends, and neighbors to help out some poor soul who had no one to mow the yard, repair the clothesline, or chop some firewood; and, if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip for this kindness, she would have drug me back to the woodshed.
Those drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, and think.
I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults.
They are stronger than meth, weed, cocaine, crack, or heroin; and, if today's children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a better place.

~author unknown

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I made it!!!!!

OK, I made it. I started w/5 kids, 2 dogs, and a daycare when he left, and I had 5 kids, 2 dogs and a daycare when he got back. I think I did pretty good, no life threatening injuries, no fires, wrecks, or any other casualties. Only the fact that I moved forward in selling our house while he was away, but then I didn't need him here to make that decision (did I?). Anyway, I am SOOO glad you are back, baby and I love you SOOOOOO much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Te amo mucho!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 2

Woke at 6, got Emma up, then worked on Nick. After we established he was to come down and not go back to sleep, I got Michael (who is very good at letting me get my stuff done even though he is awake!) dressed. Next is Jacob (who can pretty much get himself dressed as long as I pick out his clothes). Then comes Cam-man(he just lays there). Not a bad morning, the usual. We get to the center at around 7:45. Not too much there either. Then at around 10:30 the fun starts. I'm trying to get out of the center to get the kids (the 3 oldest have dentist appts). Well, a mom comes to talk to me about her baby that goes to the center, then at the same time, a new mom comes to talk to me. Needless to say we were almost late with the dentist. That went smooth, only a couple of cavities-no biggie. Then had to drop off Emma, and Jacob, bring Nick to the orthodontist, get back to the center, meet and greet the parents, get the kids to the house so I could play our first night of softball. We had a double header @ 7 & 9. We won both games (no thanks to me). Jim gave us our second victory with a walk off HR-Go Jim! Just a day in the life of a single mom! Did I mention the fact of me missing Jope horrible? Can't wait till Wednesday night! I love you Jopes!

Single mom, Day 1

Yesterday Jope flew to St. Louis for training. I tackled going to church (for all 3 services), then going to Chili's with some friends by myself. Life isn't easy being single. That saying really makes sense "you don't know what you've got till it's gone". I miss you Jopes, come back soon, and safe!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

One way

We had an awesome time last night at one way. I love HPC praise & worship, so to witness the electricity was an experience like no other! I came home tired (because once again, my body was reminding me that I'm not as young as I think, and can't continuously jump up and down!), the kids came home tired, and the last thing I wanted to do was wake up and go to work. Well, I wonder if God allowed my 2 year old to run fever @ 5 o'clock this morning just to keep us home and let us rest? What ever the case may be, he's fine, except running fever. I'll keep you updated!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Electric Fence

OK, an explanation for the electric fence comment on the last post. After I took the nose dive, I decided to not slide anymore (wise decision). Cameron (my 2 year old) wanted to feed the horses the corn cobs we had left over from lunch (which was awesome!). I just commented on the fence right in front of my face when my friend's mom told me she wasn't sure if it was working (it was an electric fence to keep the horses in). So Cameron wanted to go inside to the horse that was put up. While holding on to the gate (thank God not holding on to Cameron) I literally walked right into the electric fence. Let me tell you that was not fun (although my husband and friend's dad both laughed their bottom's off!). Needless to say yesterday was one of those days where I wish I could've just went back to bed and started over!

Monday, September 03, 2007

I'm not as young as I think!

We were invited to a spur of the moment bar-b-que at my friend's house. The burgers were awesome by the way! Anyway, they rented a big waterslide for their daughter, so they said to wear our bathing suits. I figured the fun way to go down the slide would be head first-WRONG CHOICE! There is a net at the bottom which stopped me from going over the back of it as I FLEW down it, but it also practically ripped my nose off. For those of you thirty somethings out there, tread with caution. We are not as young as we think!

Friday, August 31, 2007

This says it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to Africa

I got my Africa pictures about a week and a half ago from Becky. When we were almost done there, I said I would never go back. I did what I had to do, and that was it. When we got back, I said I would never go back. Now that I'm looking thru the pictures and videos I know in my heart that I will be back one day. There is something about there that traps you and never lets go. I won't live there, but I will DEFINATELY visit!

Thank God it's Friday!

Just a shout out to thank God it's Friday! Some weeks it seems like it will never get here! This was definately one of those weeks! If you feel it too, leave a comment!

Monday, August 27, 2007

It's Monday, need I say more???????????????

Fat man tourist...............

He looks like he should have a camera around his neck!

How great is your love..............

I am so amazed and humbled at how much love surrounds me. I have an awesome (some might even say gorgeous) husband who worships me (at least that's what I tell myself ;0) ), 5 great (not perfect, just great) kids, and friends for miles that would come to my defense in a heartbeat......But most importantly, a God who died for me. I know he died for everyone, but think about it, He didn't have to, but he loved us that much...........Can you wrap your brain around that? Would you be able to martyr yourself for someone who wasn't even born yet? Someone who was to be born thousands of years later? Makes you wonder huh?

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Birthdays are a tricky thing. The younger you are, you are so excited that you are having a birthday. The older you are, the excitement is still there, but you are also more quiet about it. Do I really want people to know it's my birthday? Will they ask me how old I am? Well, today's my birthday, and I am 34. I think 34 is a good number. I've done alot with my life so far, but know that there is so much more to do, and alot of time to do it. For those of you that know me, I don't want a present, but maybe a comment on this post telling me your thoughts on your birthday.
Love to all!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


While I was getting ready for my trip, I felt like God wanted me to work through some things in my life when I got there. So when I would have my quiet time, I would pray through for those things. Only when I got there, I noticed alot of growth in areas I didn't feel like I needed "work" on.
I was raised with a daddy that used that famous line "if it isn't broke, don't fix it", well I ignored what "wasn't broke"(so I thought) in my life. WOW, there was alot I thought I fixed years ago that I didn't. My challenge to you is to reflect. Dig up your past and make sure everything is "fixed" with God, family, whoever. Don't ever think you are fixed!
Love to all!

The calm before the storm..........

Sorry I haven't been able to blog recently, but I've been busy trying to play "catch up" on my life, and my kids lives. I have a feeling that my life is gonna get crazy because it's been so great since I've been home, and as many of you know if you go out and do God's work, it tends to make the devil a little mad! I've been waiting for the upset that usually comes when I press in and seek Him, and it hasn't happened, so just pray. I feel like this is the calm before the storm, but I'm fired up, ready and waiting!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My beauty queen

This is the smile I came home to on Monday. Emma, you are gorgeous! I love you so much and am glad I'm home! I missed you and your brothers (and your dad, but don't tell him). Remember to stand up, stand out and change the world!


Went to church last night. Had so many people ask about Africa. How can you sum up a life changing experience in one sentence? I just kept saying that it was awesome, but that doesn't even touch the surface of emotions and feelings, and experience that I brought back with me. For those of you wishing to know more about Africa, I'm going to be able to post more when I get the pics. Until then, sorry!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back to the real world

Yesterday I got up, got kids dressed, went to work like it was any other ordinary day. Not like I just got in from Africa the night before. Let me tell you, I don't remember getting in the bed last night! I pray that my mind comes back to me today, b/c I couldn't make a decision yesterday to save my life! But that's what happens in my world. Just because I'm tired doesn't mean I can go lay down (you moms out there know what I'm talkin about). I guess it'll catch up with me sooner or later. I'm just glad to be back!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'm home.............

Who would have thought that I would look forward to a plane ride? I am so proud of myself! I flew there and back with only crying on 2 of the 8 flights. Hey, that's good for someone who said they'd never fly again. I am so glad to be home, but miss my friends over there already! Isaac & Carol were AWESOME hosts (as well as Abraham). I will look forward to seeing Isaac & Carol when they come in next year! Until then, I will be praying for them and all my friends I made along the way. I will be able to post some new pics when Becky gets a chance to put them on a disk (Becky was gracious enough to let me blog from her computer while we were gone, and she has all the pics on it). Until then, Love to all!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


The day started with a plan, as always. And as always in traditional HPC style, the plan got altered, realtered, then thrown in the trash. We had started with 400 flip flops to give away. Well, yesterday when we counted over 400 kids, we needed to buy more. God is so faithful! Isaac went to the "store"(i really don't know where he went) and proceeded to buy more. He purchased 200 more, and the lady donated at least 100 more, free of charge!!! So we were supposed to have 45 minutes in each session (which I was over snacks again, but this time, Isaac translated!). Have you ever brought your kid to the store to buy a pair of shoes, and not know what size they were? We had to size all the kids. Needless to say it took longer than 45 minutes. We also had Theresa Reymer over to do a sort of "clinic" during snack, which took longer than expected, so we had to be "flexible" (our word of the week). Anyway, we were able to give out 450 pair of flip flops (not including the adults), and we were able to check them also. Out of that many children, their health was not that bad. Only 30 of them needed medicine for this or that, but nothing serious. Amazing! We close tomorrow, and leave straight from there to the safari overnight, so won't be able to blog, or email until sometime Friday night (day for ya'll). I love ya'll! Bye!


When we did our schedule, Ms. Sherry put me over snacks. I didn't think it a big deal (I'm trying to make Robyn proud!), because I helped a couple of years ago with her. Word to the wise, if you are needing to spend 45 minutes at a snack giving literally starving children a tangerine, you better have a back up plan on spending time with the children. It only took them 5 minutes to eat that tangerine, so I was struggling. That along with the fact that my "translater" didn't speak enough english to help me, I was left hanging. So the first snack (of 3 groups) went O.K., we sang ALOT of songs. Well then for the second group, Ms. Sherry had us do the game we planned for yesterday which was to pass a "stone"(a washcloth wrapped in fabric) over your head to the person behind you until you get to the end of the line. That didn't go so well. They kept saying the other team cheated(nothing different from our kids back home), but I thought it was gonna go to blows! Then Judy (my saviour) asked me if I wanted to go fix our lunch in the classroom (we eat ours when the kids eat theirs), and I could of kissed her! I definately am a behind the scences person, (or with the younger babies), so I was completely outside my comfort zone! But anyway, it was a great day! They made bible candy, so we had kids with no food in their system FULL of sugar. It was hillarious!!!!!!!!!! I had a great time!!! I am waiting for today, we give out shoes (flipflops) to everyone today! I'll let you know how that goes!

For myHPC friends, I'll be praying for ya'll that the cleanup goes smoothly and quickly! I hate that I'm not there to help. I love all of ya'll!


Monday, August 06, 2007

Well, Ms. Sherry taught us a new word: Flexible

Well, lets just say that HPC VBS wouldn't be right without a last minute change in schedule. We prepped all the way to Africa, and the whole while we've been here on our schedule. What teams would do what, etc. Well our first craft was picture frames. The children were to make picture frames for the pictures we would take today and print today. Did you know it takes 2 minutes per page to print one picture? Now multiply that times 300+ children, and it's not just a couple of hours. We started taking/printing pictures @ approx 11:30 and ended up having to leave @ 4:30 so Isaac could get to a preaching engagement he had tonight. So they didn't get to do their craft(not enough frames, other suitcase still hasn't made it), nor did they get to break up into groups for just about anything. We did get to hand out the pictures we printed, with the rest to come tomorrow. The one thing we did get to do was teach 300 African children "The lawnmower dance", and yes Emma, I did dance in public. I actually got on stage and danced! The children had a blast! I get to do a devotion tomorrow to the leaders of the church. It's called facing your fears. God definately has me doing that these last couple of weeks! I love & miss ya'll!


Sunday, August 05, 2007

No words..........

I cannot even try to tell you the emotion I felt when we drove up to the church today to a crowd of children waiting on us. I don't really remember seeing parents, just children. We got serenaded "Yes Jesus Loves Me" as we unloaded the car with the bread, jam and hot tea we were to serve them before church. As we were preparing the bread (cutting, buttering, and spreading the jam), I got a chance to observe. Now remember how I said no parents? There were probably 1 grown up to every 4 children. And most of the children came without parents. With that said, I expected pandimonium. I expected to see what I see upstairs in children's church before service starts, children goofing off, children running around, etc. No, they sat either on a seat, or on a mat infront of the seats (not enough chairs) waiting VERY PATIENTLY for their bread. I looked out into the crowd, and no words can even begin to descibe how beautiful these children were. They weren't concerned at all about who wore what, but they were genuinly excited to be at church. Not to see their boyfriend, friend, or whoever, but to learn about God. Josie did an amazing job teaching Children's church. She taught on the Lion's story. It was great. Carol translated, and the children all sat on the ground, mezmerized. Then we taught them the first part of "Jesus Loves Me", and they taught us a dance. (now if you know me, that in itself is an entertaining sight!). Anyway, we had fun! I can't wait for VBS to start tomorrow, pray that Ms. Sherry's bag gets to us, it contains some material we need for this week. I love you guys and miss you!

My husband rocks!!!

What woman can say that their husband would let them go half way around the world to do a job she does everyday in Baton Rouge, and watch her 5 children while she's gone? MINE!!!!!!!! Baby, you're the best! I love you so much, and miss you sooooooooooo much! I can't thank you enough for this! You rock!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

it's all in how you say it!

We just sat down at a small "pasta" joint in Maputo. We were cutting up. I was trying not to laugh at how many times Becky would ask "it says beef, is it really cow?". All of a sudden I heard Jay ask for a hamburger. You will have to go to Becky's blog( to get the full story, but I needed that laugh!!!!!!!!! I'm excited. We have church tomorrow, and Ms. Sherry said I can go out with the kids when praise and worship is over. That's what I've been waiting for!!!! I can't wait to love on me some babies!!! I miss mine terribly, but it's ABSOLUTELY worth it!! I will never second guess my decision (although it wasn't mine!). I miss and love all of ya'll!!!!

It's 2 a.m.

for those of you that know me, I am not a morning person. With that said, I have no choice. We got into Africa last night around 8:40 our time, 1:40 BR time with out much incident. I got sick on the first leg of the flight, and we lost one of Ms. Sherry's suitcases (well we didn't lose it, the airlines did). Isaac and Carol picked us up from the airport and drove us to the hotel. Now since I've never been to Africa before (looks ALOT like Mexico) I thought we'd be staying at some low key hotel. Not quite. We are staying on the Indian Ocean! The view is GORGEOUS! I know we won't be spending any time there, but it's not a bad scenery for quiet time! It's 9:32 am here, which means ya'll are all asleep, or just going to sleep. When ya'll wake up, remember to pray that we change the world! I love you Jope, Emma, Nick, Jacob, Cameron, and Michael.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

God has a sense of humor!

I'm going to Africa. When God has His hands in the middle of something, you don't ask questions. I am such a freak when it comes to preparation, packing, shopping lists, todo's, etc. God has given me 3 days to do what He gave the rest of the team I'm going with 8 months. I had a meltdown earlier today, but now I'm good. You know it's wierd-I know He's in control, but I still want to take the wheel sometimes. He's sitting back laughing at me now running around like a chicken with my head cut off, saying to Himself "when will she learn that I have it under control?". He definately has a sense of humor!

Monday, July 30, 2007

God is Great--All the time!

Just got word yesterday that I have the opportunity to go to Africa with our children's team from church. We leave Thursday, and I've heard that it's next to impossible to get a plane ticket with that short of notice, but I believe it's gonna happen! We'll know in the next few hours! PRAY!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

a life less hectic

I wish I could have lived back in the Old Testament when things were so much slower. I understand I wouldn't have any of the things I have today, but if I didn't have them in front of me, and didn't know what they were, why would I want them? Think about it, if you never saw a car before, how would you want one? I just think life would be much less hectic without the "want" to go along with it, that's all........................

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Girls vs. boys-which is easier?

Why do I feel so horrible when I won't let my daughter do something "everybody else is doing"? I remind myself of my dad when I use that FAMOUS line of "would you jump off a bridge..........".
The only problem with that is she probably would :)! I'm such a overanalytical person when it comes to the line of being a mom, and then being too overprotective. My husband says to give her some space, but I worry that it will come back to bite me later if I do. Now is when I have to give God the control (since I should have never assumed I had it in the first place!). I guess I should be glad that I have only the one girl. For now girls seem so much harder to raise, but my oldest boy is only 8. I'll get back to you on that thought in about 4 years.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

I don't know everything

Funny how you live your life thinking you know everything until you have kids and have to get them to show you how to work the computer..........................

Friday, July 06, 2007

Take time for thanks!

I went to bed last night knowing that I'd be up at 3 in the morning. You see, my 2 year old fell asleep at 6:45 with a bad ear infection, so I knew he wouldn't sleep all night long. I was up with him, then with my 4 year old, and lastly not wanting to be left out, my 4 month old started screaming around 5. You know life is funny when you go to bed without the expectation of a good night's sleep and you're OK with it, because it's a sacrifice you're willing to make for those you truly love. I wonder if that's how Jesus feels when we "keep Him up" not only for night's, but weeks, or months. He's always faithful in comforting us when we need Him, but don't forget, He's also a jealous God. Take time to tell Him "Thanks" for waking up with you in the middle of the night to comfort you.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

baby makes 5 (or is that 105?)

When I first opened the center, I had 2 children (and one on the way). We opened with 12 children. That was in 2002. I've since had 2 more, and am at a license capacity of 100. Am I crazy? No, only obedient. I was told by a very good sister(in law) that as long as I was obedient to what God has me doing, He would prosper me. Never looked at it like that, but it's true! So if you know what He has in store for you, and you are obedient, watch out! It's a rollercoaster!!!!!!